The Latest: Hundreds stranded in Panama after music festival

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

Entertainment Entertainment Latest News,Entertainment Entertainment Headlines

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida becomes first congressman with a known positive test for the new coronavirus.

pandemic, which has infected more than 214,000 people and killed more than 8,700. The COVID-19 illness causes mild or moderate symptoms in most people, but severe symptoms are more likely in the elderly or those with existing health problems. More than 83,000 people have recovered so far, mostly in China.Between 400 and 500 nonresidents are stranded in Panama after attending a music festival, with many of them being quarantined at the concert site near the Caribbean beach of Playa Chiquita.

Diaz-Balart entered self-quarantine in Washington Friday, according to a statement. He said he decided not to return to South Florida because his wife has a pre-existing medical condition. Diaz-Balart developed symptoms, including a fever and headache, on Saturday. He learned Wednesday that he had tested postive for the COVID-19 virus.

The agency said in a statement that its investigations unit will focus on public safety and national security. That would include drug and human trafficking as well as anti-gang operations and child exploitation cases. Qantas said the suspension won’t take effect until late March as the airline repatriates Australians following the government’s advice to its citizens on Wednesday not to travel anywhere overseas.

Many other medicines are still being tested in various experiments including remdesivir, an experimental antiviral drug that has shown some promise against viruses similar to the one causing COVID-19.The U.S. Transportation Security Administration now says two screeners at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City have tested positive for the new coronavirus. That brings the total to 11 TSA officers who have tested positive around the country.

The announcement Wednesday came as several lawmakers sought explanations from the department about difficulties some of their constituents overseas are having in getting assistance from embassies and consulates. The Holy Synod of the Istanbul-based Ecumenical Patriarchate said in a statement that churches would remain open for private prayer. Wednesday’s statement said the measure would apply until the end of March and would then be reassessed.

The government says the tactic is strictly supervised and meant to save lives. But opposition lawmakers and civil rights advocates say it is a violation of privacy.The Dutch health care minister has fainted during a parliamentary debate about the government’s efforts to tackle the coronavirus. An additional 20 individuals at the long-term care facility in DuPage County experiencing an outbreak have tested positive, bringing the total to 42 .


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Será que quiere el Interferon cubano

Good thing they allowed spring break to continue en mass


I kinda knew that there would be like 200 peeeps here to catch on WW2 phrasing. She is actually reffering to 1946. and building the West Germany from scratch.


If WWII was so challenging, why did you start it? The rest of us didn't want you to.

Societal collapse breeds violence; therefore, the president unlocks this lockdown (with elderly and vulnerable ones sheltered in place). Our current reaction is not a response to the issue of reducing serious symptoms to mild (not a vaccine) and economic collapse. Risk 'mild'.

matteroffacttv WWII? Really? Do we need to go there? I'd like to speak to your headline writer.


Step the fuck aside and let the non trump people fix shit.

One of these things is not like the other.

That's a pretty good headline. He is the first one to come out publicly.

'Germany facing top challenge since WWII'? What a headline, AP. In this metaphor, were America and the Soviet Union the virus?

Spring Breeeeeeaaaaaak!!

And don’t lick the envelope

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